Day 10: Market and Farewell Dinner

“Coming off the Mountain”
The hours it takes to descend from Mt.
Kilimanjaro gives you time to reflect what
you have accomplished and what it took to
get there. While teaching the summit was
truly amazing, I have to say it was the
people that made this trip so special. A
team that started off as strangers that
became family through adversity. The
guides, who had all of our trust and respect,
got us to the top and down safely. Our
porters, who knew how to lift up our spirits
and sometimes our exhausted bodies. We
came to the mountain individually and leFt as one. Pamoja Pamoja.
~ Matt Ward
“Last Days”
Looking back, the trek from Karanga to Barafu Camp and then to Uhuru Summit, were by far the hardest kilometers of this adventure, due to the high altitude and lack of oxygen. We were all exhausted, without quality sleep and no energy left. But nothing was going to stop us. It was our choice to keep going.
There was a courage inside each of us that drove everyone to keep putting one foot in front of the other, slowly slowly. Reaching the summit was our dream, and together we made it happen.
On our way from Kosovo Camp to the summit, we all really struggled. Strong winds, the cold temperature, no sleep, we were all at the end of ourselves.
I could nickname Emily “Sister Robot" 😀 .
Do you know why? She was so focused, walking one step at a time, just like a robot…
We constantly encouraged one another to keep going. That’s how we persevered together and made it happen.
Climbing Kilimanjaro has always been one of my life dreams. I know that with ambitions, commitment, and loyalty, come success. My friends, thank you so much for your love and for sharing this adventure together with me as a family. I thank God for this Team. The only work God wants from us is to believe in the one he has sent (John 6:29), and everything will come to us.
Running hard down to the Gate was not easy for me, as I’m the tallest in our group.
I cried when I reached the summit, reflecting on my life and the reality of what God is able to do.
We are living in a real world, with real challenges. Learning to apply the very best methods, wisdom and strategies in order to become successful leaves us with experience, growing to be wise and productive. I know we may not have control over what happens every day. But we can decide which mindset we bring to a new day so far.
I'll really miss you guys.
Thank you John Simon and Gabriel for your advice and wisdom, your job is not an easy one. May God bless you and your families.
Thank you Drew, for inviting me to share this adventure and be a part of this Team
Tevin, you are a very good husband. I believe you will be a good father someday too. You and Harleigh make a very strong team.
Emily, take care of yourself, I wish you all the very best.
Matt, I love you boy. You are a very good father...
Pamoja Pamoja.
Frank Moses (YL Congo)