Day 7: Climb to Kosovo

As our climbers near the summit, they have another short day for acclimatization today. After breakfast, climbers leave Karanga Camp and make their way across moraine with a view of Mawenzi and Kibo to Barafu. The alpine desert terrain is full of boulders with lichen and moss. Upon reaching camp, climbers will spend the afternoon resting before packing for the summit and having an early dinner in preparation for their ascent to the summit to start at midnight. Summit begins at 5 PM EST!
Starting elevation 13,300 feet
Ending elevation 16,000 feet
Elevation gain 2,700 feet
Distance hiked 3.5 miles
Average hiking time 4 to 5 hours
We spoke with our Trip Hosts on the Satellite Phone as the group was arriving into Kosovo Camp today, around 3:00pm local time. Note their elevation at Kosovo is 16,00 feet, higher than any point in the lower Continental US. All are hanging in there, ready for a long nap before an early dinner tonight at 6:00pm local time. They were so encouraged to share that the entire Group has really come together, as “One Team”. They’re a family now. Pamoja Pamoja. Together Together.
Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Jesus. These words have been the chorus in our hearts and on our lips since night 1. Papa Deo blessed us with his wisdom when he said, “God doesn’t need all your words. He knows your heart. All you need to say to Him is, ‘Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Jesus.’”
A similar message was shared this morning as Jamila prayed over us before we set out to conquer day 4 (nervously, I might add, as the guides had just warned us to lighten our daypacks as much as we possibly could.) In that prayer, I was touched by Jamila’s words - “This isn’t about us. It’s never been about us. It’s not just an adventure. It’s about Him. It’s always been about Him.”
We then set out for our 45 minute silent hike. It wasn’t long before I was brought to tears watching dozens of bodies ahead of me slowly climb the steepest slope we’d faced yet. It was a total God wink when the next song on my playlist just so happened to be one of my favorites… Highlands (Song of Assent) by Hillsong.
“Oh how high would I climb mountains
If the mountain is where you hide
Oh how far would I scale the valleys
If you graced the other side
Cause in the highlands and the heartache
You’re neither more or less inclined
I will search and stop at nothing
You’re just not that hard to find.”
We all long to meet Him on this mountain. We all yearn to be closer to Him - our father, our creator. The thing is, He’s just not that hard to find. He’s with us every step. He’s waiting for us. He’s all around us. I see Him in our guides, our porters, and the 16 women I’m climbing with. I see Him in the beautiful terrain we get to climb and the views along the way. I see Him in the belly laughs around the dinner table while we drink choco primo. I see Him in the smiles on my friends tired faces as we continue to breathlessly shout “pamoja pamoja” along the way. I see Him in my porter as he bends down to lace up my boots and I see Him in John Simon when he touches my shoulder and says, “How are you? Happy happy?” and “you like my office?”
This mountain hasn’t been easy, but man, has it been good. Knowing that we had fried chicken and french fries for lunch today may have been the only thing that got us up the mountain, but we continue to look at each other and say, “We made it,” as we take in the view of another beautiful camp.
Tonight, we summit. We may have tired bodies and weary (or delirious) spirits… but we have full and expectant hearts. We’re here. This far the Lord has brought us and I know He will continue to carry us to the top. Summit, here we come. Jesus, here we are.
I’m grateful for every step. With every step, we praise Him. Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Jesus.
Cheers from 16,000 feet. Love you fam.
~ Caroline Adkins
“The Journey up the Mountain”
We made it through day 5 and are resting at Camp Kosovo, we are focused and excited as we prepare to summit tomorrow.
In the last 5 days we’ve climbed up long hills, into valleys and over cliffs, with the shared goal of climbing the worlds tallest free-standing mountain. As we’ve made this journey together I’ve realized I spend a lot of time looking at the person’s feet ahead of me. Choosing to follow their steps, or not, quietly focusing just to keep going, or just making sure I don’t trip. Every step is a decision.
There are several gifts in keeping our eyes down and focusing on the task at hand. We see the choices and wisdom of those who go before us. We see the stones in the path that could cause us to stumble. And at times we learn from others where not to step, what path not to follow. These immediate lessons are important to our success climbing the mountain.
As we hike the step by step of each trail I sometimes forget to look up. Forget to stop, breathe and observe the beauty of the mountain. I forget to watch it come closer. Sometimes, even if I can’t see the top, I forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of the stage I’m in. I can miss the grandeur of the cliff I’m about to scale or the art of the waterfalls and streams that create canyons and valleys of bright color and beauty if I don’t look ups Sometimes I stop, breathe and look up and see the future summit is obscured by clouds. I can’t see the way ahead. But in the moment, I realize this is a gift from God. The goal, the summit, is still there, it is just hidden for a time while I focus on the task at hand. Step by step. Breathe by breath. Moment by moment.
I am with the most amazing group of teammates, leaders, guides and porters, but I am ultimately taking this journey alone and making my own decisions on how to reach the summit. Just as in life we spend a lot of time looking at the few steps in front of us, but we must remember to stop, breathe, and look up to the mountain where God is leading us.
Psalms 121:1-8 NIV
I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
~ Lindsay Marsh